Founding Boundfox Studios – Coaching

Today we’ve been meeting our founder’s coach Rüdiger Kleinknecht. He helps us do our very first steps founding Boudfox Studios. The official title will be „Boundfox Studios GbR – Geschäftsführende Gesellschafter: Christopher Leps, Manuel Rauber“ due to German law regulations. To prepare today’s meeting, we’ve been busy creating two documents.

The first document is the company agreement (German: Gesellschaftsvetrag) between Chris and Manu. It handles all the basic agreements, like the name of the company, the initial deposit, who and how contracts with others are done or the duties of each associate.

Today, after the coach provided some valuable feedback to the company agreements, we signed it. Basically, that’s the official founding of Boundfox Studios GbR – yay! Although we still have to sign some more papers at the finance authority and the trade office.

The second paper is the business plan. In there, we collect a lot of information about Boundfox Studios itself. Why and how we want to found it. What’s the idea about Boundfox Studios and what kind of games we want to create. We collect ideas about who our customers will be and how to reach them via marketing. Other ideas cover the chances and risks of the company and the first financial forecast. Our business plan holds 8 pages, currently and will increase after Mr. Kleinknecht’s valuable feedback.

The next thing to decide is where we open our companies bank account. So stay tuned for the next blog post!
